Wood burner maintenance...
... in anticipation of some really cold weather that I'm guessing is on its way in the New Year. This involved a new set of internal firebricks, an extra bit of sealing tape around the door frame, and re-cementing all the joints to the flue. The firebox is now properly sealed and much more controllable than it was after ten years of service - it also uses half the amount of wood that it did. I'm not a climate fanatic or know much about it, but looking at the Arctic ice accumulation since the end of the melt period in mid-September, it's already above average. Sea surface temperatures have also dropped in the Northern hemisphere and with an apparent rapidity that may presage inclement conditions to come - not necessarily in the UK - but I have extra socks to hand - if that makes sense.
Instead of making a complicated system for the steering column support, I rooted about in the stores and found an old exhaust clamp that fitted perfectly. It's easy to spot when something has been around for thirty years or more - it welded very nicely to the bracket.
I've been a bit lazy this week and although I've cut the extra extensions for the dashboard supports, I haven't turned up the inserts to take the bolts, so they're still on the bench. I had another box of bits which included the windscreen de-misting vents that I had every intention of welding to the scuttle. It didn't happen.
Similarly, the box for the de-misting pipes didn't get cut out and folded up either.
Part of my reluctance to commit to these additions is that I'm still working out how I'm going to construct the windscreen pillars and centre support.
On the subject of windscreens, I had a parcel from the Riley spares people with all the rubber extrusions I need.
The surround moulding went in relatively easily once I'd got the knack and some silicon release agent in the grooves.
Typically, I'd forgotten to put a gasket between the gearbox and the bell housing. With the new hydraulic clutch arrangement in situ, getting it all apart is going to be a bit irksome. Awkward and co. are going to help with the heavy lifting - something I'm increasingly useless at.
Work continues on The Great Collector's 6/80. Whilst we cogitate on the merits of fitting a new wiring loom, I knocked up a new driver's side glove box lid. As is obvious, the old one had been the subject of abuse connected to the problems with the original loom - extra switches to by-pass ones made redundant by the melt-down, were crudely attached to the old lid.
The new lid is in my reusable veneer press.
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